The Dan Mindich Teacher Project is an initiative of Propel, the Mindich and Sirovich families, and Dan’s friends to honor his memory, his love of teaching, and his work to create collaborative, joyful networks for teachers that help young people learn.
The Initiative
Launched in early 2019 with inaugural partnerships with Smith College and Vassar College, Dan’s Project seeks to inspire a new generation of teachers through experiential learning opportunities in the field of education and networks of support that connect and sustain practicing educators.
The Project currently supports:
The Mindich Teaching Fellowship, an experiential learning opportunity for undergraduate students led by Smith and Vassar College in coordination with other institutions of higher learning. The Fellowship introduces participants to the unique experience of classroom teaching and its power to change the course of a child’s life through integrated academic and co-curricular learning, including a one-month apprenticeship working alongside skilled mentor teachers.
The Daniel Mindich ‘87 Prize at Vassar College, awarded annually by the faculty of the Education Department at Vassar to a graduating senior with outstanding achievement and future promise in the field of education.
Smith College’s Urban Education Initiative, which provides opportunities for Smith students to transfer their college learnings to real-world experiences. In addition to the Mindich Teaching Fellowship, UEI runs Project Coach, an innovative youth development and leadership program anchored in Springfield, MA that trains, mentors, and prepares high school coaches to lead sports and enrichment programming for elementary students.
Vassar College’s Urban Education Initiative (VCUEI), which connects Vassar students to the Poughkeepsie school district with the goal of increasing education opportunities for K-12 public school students in one of the most stressed school districts in New York State. Flagship programs of VCUEI include: Exploring College, Vassar English Language Learners Outreach Program, and Vassar After School Tutoring.
University of Wisconsin— Madison’s School of Education Early Career Teaching Institute provides an opportunity for pre-K to 12 early career teachers to gather for intensive professional development work during the summers. The institute supports the Wisconsin Teacher Pledge Program which encourages recent UW-Madison School of Education graduates to join the teaching profession by forgiving their student debt. Through a curriculum designed to deepen the sense of belonging among early career educators and the young people in their classrooms, the institute covers topics such as restorative justice, communication and collaboration, and student mental health.
Stetson University's Teacher Retention Project brings school and district-based leaders together to develop leadership skills with the ultimate goals of building trust through stronger relationships, enhancing school culture, and retaining great teachers. Providing instruction through an innovative curriculum designed by Stetson faculty, the program has supported 125 educators leading more than 60 schools across Florida school districts.
Exploring College: Helping High-Achieving Students Along the Road to Success
8/1/20 | Vassar College Stories
Local Teens Thrive in VCUEI Summer Programs
7/31/20 | Vassar College Stories, Kimberly Schaye
Project Coach: Doctors challenge youth leaders to go viral to fight COVID-19
3/29/20 | Mass Live, Vanessa Otero and Jo Glading-DiLorenzo
Let Them Lead
3/2020, ASCD - Educational Leadership, Sam Intrator, Don Siegel, Graeham Dodd and Jo Glading-DiLorenzo
Vassar Reaches Out to the Community for the Holidays
12/17/19 | Vassar College Stories, Larry Hertz
Sam Intrator on Encouraging Positive Learning Experiences this School Year
9/26/19 | Medium, Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance
Vassar College and Smith College Expand Efforts to Recruit and Prepare Teachers for Urban Schools Through $6M Initiative in Memory of Dan Mindich
9/25/19 | Propel (Press Release)
Getting Stuck: The Obstacles to Success After High School
9/9/19 | ASCD Inservice, Guest Blogger
Family’s Gift to Benefit Education Students, Community Initiatives
7/30/19 | Vassar College Stories, Larry Hertz
PROJECT COACH: Program uses sports to connect with and empower Springfield-area youth
2/22/18 | Daily Hampshire Gazette, Dusty Christensen
- Dan
How to Participate
If you are interested in joining Dan’s family and friends to support this work in his memory, donations can be made to The Dan Mindich Teacher Project Fund. All donations are tax-deductible and 100% directed to Vassar, Smith, and other collaborating educational institutions. Donate to the Fund here by making a donation with your credit card or by contacting Katya Levitan-Reiner at or 917.828.7191 for information on making other kinds of gifts.
Classmates of Dan’s and Shilpa's who wish to donate directly to Vassar can also contribute at (please indicate that your gift should be directed to the Dan Mindich Fund).
Learn more about the Project by downloading program reports below.